Western Colorado Alliance

Electric Co-op GOTV

The Campaign

Western Colorado Alliance (WCA) partnered with Progressive Promotions to serve Meta, digital, news and radio ads to Western Colorado electric cooperative ratepayers to raise awareness for local electric co-op elections and elect pro-renewable energy candidates in Delta, Montrose and Mesa Counties.


Digital Ads

Traditional Media


Digital Ads

Western Colorado Alliance wanted folks to know that if they get their energy from an electric co-op, they have a say in how that energy is managed, priced, and used. Our ads grabbed attention by focusing on energy prices.

The reality is ratepayers are paying more than necessary because those rates are set by the elected board members of the co-op. Our ads emphasized that – and let voters know they could vote for candidates committed to renewable energy, fair pricing, and transparent leadership.

1,557 collected engagements

36,290 people reached

1,109 link clicks

Radio Ads

Given radio’s trusted role on the Western Slope, we placed ads on KKXK, 99.9 KEKB, and 107.1 LA JEFA for GOTV efforts. We used the airwaves to build name recognition and credibility, and serving as a gentle nudge to remind folks to check their mailboxes for their electric co-op ballots.

News Ads

For electric co-op members in Western Colorado, traditional media is a trusted source that helps drive action. With deep roots in the region, our digital team knew to place ads reminding voters to cast their electric co-op votes on news sites vital for reaching rural audiences, including The Montrose Daily Press and The Daily Sentinel.

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